

Peacock uses locally grown vegetables whenever possible.
Oguni cho is surrounded by mountains and
a river runs through the town center.
Peacock makes the most of this natural environment by using
fresh green onion grown locally through
the Japan Agricultural Cooperatives in Oguni.



Peacok uses a recycling system where Oguni factory sends back vegetable waste to farmers as compost. To use vegetable waste as a recyclable resource not only reduces trash but also produces chemicalfreel, safe and delicious vegetables.

What is ECO FARMER qualification?
A manufacture that works to protect the environment by using compost soil and limiting artifical fertilizers when cultivate vegetable qualifies as on ECO FARMER.

Fresh vegetable that produced with recycle resources and environment -friendly cultivate techniques.

農林水産大臣賞 たこ焼き


Peacoks effort in produeing safe and secre food and using locally grown vegetables in 60% of our products enabled us to receive the Award for Contibrtions to the Region from the minister of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries.


原材料へのこだわり 厳選された素材。私たちは安全、安心、そして味を追求します。
